= Connectivity Simplified =


 United Communications Inc.

 5615 College St.

 Beaumont, TX 77707

 Ph: (409) 842-3790

 Fax: (409) 842-1991

 Email: ucicom@aol.com


 Central Texas

 CTS All Points

 12131 Jones Maltsberger Rd
San Antonio, TX 78247
Ph: (210) 348-9205 
Fax: (210) 494-4865


 Web: www.cts411.com


 3440 E. Houston Street

 San Antonio, TX 78219

 Ph: (210) 893-6500 Fax: (210) 893-6592 Email: Info@DWComm.com 

 Industrial Communications
1019 E Euclid Ave
San Antonio, TX 78212
Ph: (210) 226-3682
Email: sales@indcom.net​​
Web: www.indcom.net

 Dallas/Ft. Worth Area

 DFW Communication, Inc.

Web: www.dfwcomm.com

 Arlington Office 501 Duncan Perry Rd Arlington, TX 76011 Ph: (972) 730-4339 

 Satellite and Wireless Solutions, LLC 

 20609 FM 2755 

 Royse City, TX 75189-3444 

 Ph: (972) 816-3810 

 Email: Rambo@swslimited.com 

 Web: www.swslimited.com

 East Texas

 CATO Communications

 6485 Lamar Road 

 Paris, TX 75462 

 Ph: (903) 274-9664

 Email: josh@catocommunication.com

 Web: www.catocommunication.com

​ Contact Communications

 1804 VZCR 2503 

 Canton, TX 75103 

 Ph: (903) 880-2050 

 Email: contactcomm@ymail.com

 DFW Communication, Inc.

Web: www.dfwcomm.com

 Longview Office 418 Lake Lamond Rd Longview, TX 75604 Ph: (903) 757-3666 
Lufkin Office ​ 2003 N John Redditt Dr Lufkin, TX 75904 Ph: (936) 634-2799 
Tyler Office ​ 2121 Old Henderson Hwy
Tyler, TX 75702
​ Ph: (903) 595-8836 

 Faith Communications 

607 East Grand
Marshall, TX 75670
Ph: (800) 460-4575
Fax: (903) 938-4870


 Houston Metro

 Communications &
​ Emergency Products Inc.

10404 Cash Road
Building E, Suite 100
Stafford, TX 77477
Ph: (281) 499-7681
Email: ron.smith@cepisystems.com
Web: www.cepissytems.com

 Northwest Communications

Web: www.nwradio.us

 10818 Barely Lane, Suite B

 Houston, TX 77070

 Ph: (281) 890-4724

 Fax: (281) 894-9494

 Email: dannyvillarreal@nwradio.us

 West Texas

 Texas Communications

  of San Angelo Inc.

Web: www.texascom.com

 902 Arroyo Dr
 San Angelo, TX 76903
 Ph: (325) 658-3566
 Email: bwojtek@texascom.com

Authorized Dealers

- Texas